Outsmart the competition with AI

See what disruptive technologies can do for you

Unlock the potential of your business with a Quickscan!

At Digital Explorer, we understand the importance of staying ahead in today’s competitive landscape. With our expertise in cutting-edge technologies like AI, our team of experienced consultants and tech experts is dedicated to empowering businesses like yours. We provide with insights and identify the tools you need to drive growth, boost efficiency, and achieve your strategic objectives with confidence.

Experience the transformative power of new technology by signing up for a Quickscan today. Our Quickscan offers a comprehensive assessment of your business, revealing the impact and opportunities that technology can bring.

Book our New and Next Technology Workshop!

A one day exploration and experience of AI and other disruptive technologies that are shaping the future.
Get as inspired as we are. Gain new insights and get hands-on experience with groundbreaking new technologies. Lay the foundation for determining a strategy, developing new products and introducing new tools to your company.

We turn strategy into a reality... in three steps





A group of communications specialists from our M&C department attended Digital Explorer’s AI workshop. It provided a lot of food for thought! We now have a good understanding of the latest AI developments and in which areas we could apply them. Many thanks to Bas and Jasper for their inspiring words!
We had a great afternoon in which Digital Explorer showed us the world of AI during a Quickscan of our business processes. In the following months Digital Explorer helped us run experiments in which we took a hands-on approach to look at our existing architecture, content creation with AI, automated feedback and grading of open text assignments.
Alex Hoogeboom
Managing partner, Dubbelklik
We are thrilled with AIDA, the AI Document Analysis tool developed by Digital Explorer, selected after finding multiple AI opportunities during a workshop and quickscan. The AIDA tool enables us to quickly and consistently analyze and compare plans, significantly reducing the time required to review the implementation plans for the ‘Gezond Leven Akkoord (GALA)’ by Dutch municipalitiesa
Digital Explorer's AI training provided valuable insights and practical tips, allowing us to fully grasp the potential of this technology. Their expertise and in-depth knowledge empowered our team, equipping them with practical tools and techniques to effectively utilize and further implement AI in our service delivery to our clients in the areas of content strategy and management.
The workshop gave us meaningful insights in new technology and generated all sorts of ideas. I like how Digital Explorer was able to place themselves in our position and think about how AI can be used in a safe, reliable and controlled manner. For example by capturing questions with an intelligent chatbot, so we get more time for complex customer contact.
As an innovation manager it is important to understand the potential benefits of the latest technologies. Digital Explorer gave us valuable insights into new AI developments.This has sprouted many ideas for improvements within our company. We will continue our exploration with Digital Explorer and involve several departments to find opportunities and seize them.
Wouter Janssen
Innovation Manager, TLN

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Lab leaks - do try this at home