Turn new technologies to your advantage.

New technologies influence all parts of society, continuously driving and amplifying trends. They can change your environment, business, work and daily life. They can be a force-multiplier allowing you to perform better and faster than before.  Staying ahead of the curve starts by knowing what new and next technologies exist. This helps you plan for the future and select the right tools. Once you have made your plans you can put the right technologies to use.

We want to guide you on this journey. Together we explore, plan and transform.


In the exploration phase, we discover ways for your company to maintain a competitive edge. We evaluate the latest technologies and determine the ones with the greatest impact on your business. We offer two options for this; a Quickscan and our New en Next Technology Workshop.

Quickscan: We assess your business sector, processes, software, and tools, along with available new technologies and their ease of implementation. Based on this analysis, we quickly determine which technologies would benefit your company the most and the level of effort required to implement them. This option is suitable for managers combined with persons with a technical background. Find out more about our quickscan.

New and Next Technology Workshop: We take your company on a one-day journey and involve all your departments. An immersive experience to explore cutting-edge technology that’s shaping the future. Through this participatory approach, we identify the most impactful technologies for your company. Find out more about our New en Next Technology Workshop.


Update your technology strategy supported by our consultancy and guidance. Determine what it means for your company to unlock the power of technology and stay ahead of the game.

Together with your management and teams we look at your company, audience and industry. We add our insights in trends and technologies. Working from our combined knowledge we:

  • perform an analysis and identify new areas of opportunity,
  • capture and describe your strategy for new technologies,
  • determine and plan purposeful implementations by selecting tools, proposing process changes, new development, education and training.


We support execution of your new plans with digital transformation management. Digital Explorer helps manage the implementation of innovative technology solutions that lead to your business success.We offer two primary services: our Transformation Workshop and custom software development.

The Transformation Workshop offers hands-on training and implementation of selected techniques and tools. We understand that introducing new tools and processes, and learning to use them effectively, can be challenging. That’s why we provide the necessary knowledge, management, and specialist manpower to help your project succeed. Our team will work with you to implement new processes, campaigns, and scripts, enabling you to witness real change happening in your business. Read more about our workshops

We also offer custom software development to help you develop or extend products with new innovative technologies. We specialize in integrating new technologies into your existing software or creating tailor-made solutions using your data.